
APrIGF 2023 Session Proposal Submission Form
Part 1 - Lead Organizer
Contact Person
Mr. Jordan Carter
Organization / Affiliation (Please state "Individual" if appropriate) *
au Domain Administration Ltd (auDA)
Internet Governance and Policy Director
Economy of Residence
Primary Stakeholder Group
Technical Community
List Your Organizing Partners (if any)
Australian Internet Community roundtable group
Part 2 - Session Proposal
Session Title
Evolving Internet governance for the next phase of the Internet
Session Format
Panel Discussion
Where do you plan to organize your session?
Onsite at the venue (with online moderator for questions and comments from remote participants)
Specific Issues for Discussion
Today’s Internet is evolving and developing fast. Its social impact is profound. Its economic impact has now extended to the point where most forms of commerce are dependent upon its smooth functioning.

Some of the challenges the Internet is presenting today aren’t being solved - not by Internet governance and not by governments. As well, there are gaps in the breadth and depth of participation in Internet governance that weaken its ability to do its core functions or consider ways to solve the broader challenges - let alone prepare for the future.

Future development of the multi-stakeholder model of Internet governance needs to start with an understanding that not all stakeholders feel that they are included in that model.

To build and rebuild trust in the Internet and to shape its evolution, Internet governance needs diverse participation from all stakeholder groups across the region. It must be inclusive and open, not limited to certain counties or certain stakeholders. The same applies to other emerging technologies - they need open, multistakeholder governance too.

It may be that new institutional or coordination initiatives are needed to solve new problems, align existing processes better, or drive faster innovation and growth.
Describe the Relevance of Your Session to APrIGF
Trust can be built through inclusive dialogue to shape how governance is done. The Asia Pacific region has diverse views on Internet governance, in keeping with the diversity of our societies and cultures. Having input on the future of the Internet governance system from this region is vital. It can then be shared with the Internet Governance Forum and other relevant processes (e.g. the Global Digital Compact, or the WSIS+20 review.

To achieve this goal, this session will share perspectives on concrete ideas for evolving the governance framework and be strongly focused on ideas and suggestions from the audience.

Outcomes we hope for include

Shared knowledge of stakeholder views on these matters
Insight to bring to the IGF as well as to the GDC and WSIS+20 processes
Engaging more stakeholders in this dialogue
Proposals and ideas to enable the Internet governance system to be ready and to have the necessary flexibility to shape the Internet’s future
Methodology / Agenda (Please add rows by clicking "+" on the right)
Time frame (e.g. 5 minutes, 20 minutes, should add up to 60 minutes) Description
2 mins Session Intro
18 mins Views from Panellists - get a 2-3 mins statement from each of the speakers to get the audience thinking and ready to engage
3 mins Moderator explains audience participation
30 mins Audience views through open mics and online
7 mins Wrap up commentss from moderator and thanks
Moderators & Speakers Info (Please complete where possible)
  • Moderator (Primary)

    • Name: Jordan Carter
    • Organization: auDA
    • Designation: Internet Governance and Policy Director
    • Gender: cis male
    • Economy / Country of Residence: Australia
    • Stakeholder Group: Technical Community
    • Expected Presence: In-person
    • Status of Confirmation: Confirmed
  • Moderator (Facilitator)

    • Name: Sandra Davey
    • Gender: cis female
    • Stakeholder Group: Select One
    • Expected Presence: In-person
    • Status of Confirmation: Confirmed
  • Speaker 1

    • Name: Anja Gengo
    • Organization: IGF Secretariat
    • Economy / Country of Residence: Switzerland
    • Stakeholder Group: Intergovernmental Organizations
    • Expected Presence: In-person
    • Status of Confirmation: Confirmed
  • Speaker 2

    • Name: Noelle Francesca de Guzman
    • Organization: ISOC
    • Stakeholder Group: Civil Society
    • Expected Presence: In-person
    • Status of Confirmation: Confirmed
  • Speaker 3

    • Name: Boyoung Kim
    • Organization: KISA
    • Economy / Country of Residence: Korea
    • Stakeholder Group: Government
    • Expected Presence: Online
    • Status of Confirmation: Confirmed
  • Speaker 4

    • Name: Paul Wilson
    • Organization: APNIC
    • Economy / Country of Residence: Australia
    • Stakeholder Group: Technical Community
    • Expected Presence: In-person
    • Status of Confirmation: Confirmed
  • Speaker 5

    • Name: Amrita Choudhury
    • Organization: CCAOI
    • Economy / Country of Residence: India
    • Stakeholder Group: Civil Society
    • Expected Presence: Online
    • Status of Confirmation: Confirmed
Please explain the rationale for choosing each of the above contributors to the session.
The speakers chosen provide a diverse cross-section of regional, stakeholder and gender groups, and have expertise and insight into the topic of the panel.
If you need assistance to find a suitable speaker to contribute to your session, or an onsite facilitator for your online-only session, please specify your request with details of what you are looking for.
I would appreciate suggestions for business, academic speakers and those from Internet Governance communities that have distinctive or contrasting visions for Internet Governance and its future development.
Please declare if you have any potential conflict of interest with the Program Committee 2023.
Are you or other session contributors planning to apply for the APrIGF Fellowship Program 2023?
APrIGF offers live transcript in English for all sessions. Do you need any other translation support or any disability related requests for your session? APrIGF makes every effort to be a fully inclusive and accessible event, and will do the best to fulfill your needs.
Not at this time.
Number of Attendees (Please fill in numbers)
    Gender Balance in Moderators/Speakers (Please fill in numbers)
      I agree that my data can be submitted to and processed by APrIGF organizers for the program selection of APrIGF 2023.